Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Send a Card to Wess Stafford

As you might remember, Wess Stafford will be retiring in September.  We are all going to miss him so much.  Under his leadership, Compassion has grown and God has blessed it.  To thank him for all his hard work, I am going to put together a package for Wess Stafford.  

I thought many of you would like to send a card to him!  I am going to take all the cards and notes and put them together with a cover letter from all Compassion sponsors.  

One thing that I have thought of, and done, is this- send a letter to all of your sponsor kids asking them what they would say to the president of Compassion if they could tell him something.  You can share a bit about him too.  Since we still have about six months, I hope to get a couple responses to include in my note to Wess Stafford.  

If you would like to send him a card, please e-mail me for more details and where to send it-

I want to mail the big package on September 9 or 10 at the very latest.  That way it will insure that it will arrive by the 14th, the official date of his retirement.  So, I need whatever you send before that.  

If you live outside of the US, e-mail me, and I can print off a note for you.  

Thanks, and feel free to spread the word!!  Wess Stafford is an extraordinary man and deserves a big thank you and goodbye!!! :)

Use this button on your blog to share this opportunity with others

Send Wess Stafford a Card

Paste the link below the photo in an HTML code box.  Let's get the word out so that Wess Stafford will know how special he is to us!! :)


  1. Wow, this is such a great idea! I will write my kids and ask them what they would say to Wes, but I am not sure if I will get responses in time from all of them...but I will try! Just make sure you post reminders, cause I tend to forget things nowadays :)

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I will post a couple more times about this :) I don't know if you will get responses in time or not, but I sent letter too. I think we might get a couple back hopefully!! :D

  2. This is a GREAT idea!!! Do you mind if I post about this on my blog - sending people here, of course...

    1. Thanks!! Yeah, definitely post about it! I want to gather lots of cards for him :) Feel free to use my button too. It links back to this post.
