Thursday, September 25, 2014


Through Cycle4Compassion, a very special little boy is sponsored.  His name is Mainor Eduardo, and he lives in El Salvador.

Eduardito with some gifts I was
able to send him in February

Some of you may remember how I chose him to be the recipient of the fundraiser, how I had his soon-expiring child packet, and how I knew that he was mine.  I am so glad that Cycle4Compassion provided a way for me to sponsor him.  He has been such a blessing in my life.  

His sweet tutor helps him write me letters.  For the past two years, he asked me to pray for his mom's job in almost every letter.  He told me recently about how his friend and brother also have sponsors who love them :)

Eduardito (as he likes to be called) enjoys going to the beach and local pool with his mom and brother.  He goes fishing with his grandpa.  He draws me beautiful pictures and thanks me for every single thing I send him. 

Through his local Compassion project, he learned about Jesus and accepted Him into his heart!  

This is Cycle4Compassion, friends, a child learning about Jesus, responding to His free gift and continuing in a relationship with Him.

As Eduardito continues to attend the project, he continues to learn about Jesus.  He is encouraged that God has a plan for his life.  I believe God does have a purpose and plan for Eduardito's life, and I am so excited to see it unfolding!


If you would like to learn more about or donate to Cycle4Compassion, please visit Cycle4Compassion 2014! or e-mail me at


  1. Eduardito is just so cute!!!!!! I'm praying for God to raise the money through your cycling!!

  2. Just a quick note to tell the general public about a great man who brought my husband back to me after 11 years, his name is Dr. OKO. My husband was snatched from me by another woman when I went to see my sick mother, I came home to meet the house empty my husband was not at home, he wan’t picking call none will he call back. I was left alone with our 4 years old baby, he was gone for 11 years but just a month ago a friend of mine called me to tell about oko and she gave me his contact and I did contacted him and he told me my husband was with another woman. Also, he said he will bring back my husband within a few days, I thought it was a joke but behold my husband came home begging for forgiveness just as OKO promised. Off course I forgave my husband everything became normal even more that it was before. You too can be helped by him if interested through: or call/whatsapp: +2348131684022.
