Saturday, February 16, 2013


I have been reading some things about Ethiopia.  Ever since I got Abdisa, I have been excited to learn about his country.  I always knew that Ethiopia was poor.  I saw the picture of the kids with holey clothes and bloated bellies.  When you see those pictures on Compassion's site, you know that they are in desperate poverty.

But, I never knew this- the population estimate includes the "effects of excess mortality due to AIDS." (  About one percent of the population lives with HIV/AIDS.  I am so glad that Abdisa's center provides HIV awareness programs and health screenings.

Abdisa is blessed.  He lives with both of his parents.  He is even blessed to be alive.  One hundred, nine out of 1000 babies don't make it to their fifth birthday.  Abdisa did.  Today, I rejoice for all those little lives that Compassion has saved.  I know God has great plans for their lives, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for Abdisa!


  1. I've been reading about Ethiopia too...since we have a new little guy from there!! The numbers and the need there is immense..... thanks for sharing it here. Hearing about the situation with the famine in Ethiopia made me ask for my next two child packets be from Ethiopia....I really want to advocate for the kids in that country. What a wonderful reminder that God is at work--and that He let each child who's in Compassion live for a reason!!

    1. Thank you, Hannah, for you comment! Yes, it is good to remember that God has a plan for everyone's life! :)

  2. To those whose comments were removed:
    yes, I removed them. I don't mind if you disagree with me or show me an error in what I wrote. But I will not allow comments that are disrespectful and hurtful. Please feel free to leave a comment saying what you think in a kind and respectful way. Please read this post for more information on that-

    1. Lizzie, don't worry about it hun.
      There will ALWAYS be negative haters who want to put out your light. Just ignore them and keep the positive comments. It is sad they want to waste their brain cells on putting others down but that is the world we live in. By the way, I am sending you an email with the subject line PrintableTreats. Look for it! :)
